How to Achieve Differentiation Strategy? – Explained

Companies operating in a competitive advantage will always strive to achieve a competitive advantage. It includes the factors that allow them to produce goods and services better or at a lower rate. These factors contribute to attracting more customers while increasing a company’s sales. Therefore, competitive advantage is one of the essential aspects of achieving success.

A company can achieve a competitive advantage through various factors. For example, they may include cost structure, distribution network, customer service, quality, branding, etc. However, companies cannot achieve all of these at the same time. Usually, companies choose a specific factor within them and focus on it. This focus forms a part of their strategy for competitive advantage.

There are several strategies that companies may use to achieve a competitive advantage. Porter’s generic strategies include three distinct categories within them. It suggests that companies can accomplish a competitive advantage through those three strategies. Those strategies include differentiation, cost leadership, and focus. Among these, differentiation relates to the quality or brand of products that companies offer.

What is the Differentiation Strategy?

This strategy is one of the three strategies suggested by Porter’s generic strategies. This strategy encompasses using a distinguished product or service to achieve a competitive advantage. In essence, it requires companies to offer a product that their competitors can’t match. By doing so, they can charge a premium that their competitors can’t get.

Companies can differentiate their products and services by several methods. Usually, this process involves identifying and communicating the unique qualities of a product or service. Similarly, it may include highlighting the differences between the company’s products and those of its competitors. This way, customers will know what they are paying for and whether the premium is worth it.

Through the differentiation strategy, companies can create a competitive advantage. More importantly, it helps them create a unique brand for themselves, which helps differentiate their products and services. It can also promote brand loyalty, which can lead to further business in the future. However, companies must provide value to their customers for products and services.

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Creating value through differentiation is significantly crucial as it relates to the price that customers pay for products. Companies can use several strategies to accomplish it. Through this value, they can charge a premium and achieve a competitive advantage. Porter also has another model, known as Porter’s value chain analysis, which can be beneficial in understanding this value.

Overall, the differentiation strategy involves offering a product or service that provides value to customers. However, these products and services mustn’t match that of a competitor. Companies can use the differentiation strategy to charge customers with a premium and achieve a competitive advantage. However, it is crucial to understand how to achieve it.

How to achieve Differentiation Strategy?

There are several methods to achieve the differentiation strategy. These methods relate to how a company markets its products or services. Similarly, these also involve those products and services and their quality. Some of the ways companies can achieve the differentiation strategy include the following methods.


The first way in which companies can achieve the differentiation strategy is through branding. This process involves creating a unique brand that customers can recognize. This brand also promotes customer loyalty and differentiates a company’s products from its customers. For most companies, a brand name is also a valuable asset that can help increase business significantly.

Quality and design

Achieving the differentiation strategy also requires companies to focus on quality and design. There is no use in creating a brand if customers cannot differentiate the product from competitors. For most customers, quality and design are two are the most critical factors when selecting products. Therefore, by focusing on these, companies can significantly increase their business.


Companies can also achieve the differentiation strategy through innovation. This process involves introducing new products and innovative ideas before the competitors do. Through innovation, companies can create a unique identity in the market. On top of that, it allows companies to increase their market share and capture customers before competitors come up with similar products.

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Control over supplies

One of the critical factors in achieving a competitive advantage is having control over supplies. When companies can get this control, they can overcome competitors. Similarly, by choosing supplies themselves, companies can get better raw materials to manufacture products. This way, they can increase their quality and even create innovative and unique products.


A part of a company’s value chain is support activities. While it is secondary to a company’s products and services, it can significantly improve the quality of a company’s services. Most companies in the modern world have increased their focus on support activities. Through this, they have increased their customer satisfaction and their business worldwide.

Image differentiation

Marketing also plays a significant role in a company’s differentiation strategy. Even when it does not exist, marketing can be crucial in shaping customers’ thoughts and opinions. Image differentiation can help companies achieve a competitive advantage without any significant effort. For example, it can include cosmetic changes to the product that does not enhance performance. However, it can grab customers’ curiosity and attention.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Differentiation Strategy?

The differentiation strategy can have several advantages and disadvantages. These depend on a company and its environment. Sometimes, they also relate to how companies use this strategy. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of the differentiation strategy include the following.


The advantages of the differentiation strategy include the following.

Premium prices

One of the primary advantages of the differentiation strategy is allowing companies to charge premium prices. This way, they do not have to worry about price competition in the market. Since this strategy involves creating a unique image, customers will pay for the brand rather than the product or service. Therefore, customers will purchase a company’s products regardless of cheaper alternatives being available in the market.

Unique product

As mentioned above, there are several ways to achieve the differentiation strategy. These include creating a unique product or image. Similarly, it involves introducing innovative products to the market. Consequently, companies can create unique products that customers are likely to pay for regardless of the cost. These also differentiate the product from that of competitors.

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Brand loyalty

Similarly, companies can achieve differentiation by creating a brand. This way, they can also promote brand loyalty. Once companies achieve it, they can expect customers to stay loyal despite competitors producing similar products. This loyalty also makes customers allow alternatives or substitutes and continue buying the products or services of a specific company.


The disadvantages of the differentiation strategy include the following.

Need for constant innovation

The primary disadvantage of the differentiation strategy includes the need for constant innovation. This strategy requires companies to innovate their products or services regularly. If they fail to do so, customers are likely to switch to another brand. Therefore, it increases the costs associated with research and development, among others.

Increased competition

Another disadvantage of the differentiation strategy includes increased competition. Since there are low barriers to entry for this strategy, more competitors are likely to adopt it over the long run. Similarly, they can easily copy a company’s products and services in the long term. The increased competition can also hinder business and decrease profits.

Higher costs

Apart from the increased innovation costs, the differentiation strategy also requires other costs. These may also include higher marketing costs. Apart from that, companies do not focus on decreasing their product costs. This way, their profit margins may decrease over the long run. Overall, the differentiation strategy may increase a company’s expenses.


Porter’s generic strategies include three methods of achieving competitive advantage. Of these, the differentiation strategy involves focusing on providing customers with a unique product. However, competitors must not have the same products for it to be successful. There are several methods by which companies can achieve the differentiation strategy. This strategy may have several advantages and disadvantages, as listed above.

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